From Scratch Adventures: Jambalaya

So I'm on a quest to make things from scratch... Since we live in Louisiana now we, as a family, have fallen IN LOVE with Jambalaya! Shortly after we moved here, we were invited to a football gathering at my new friend April's house and that's where we were introduced to this wonderful Cajun food. None of us were interested in trying it... until we did. Then a few weeks later we hung out with April's awesome family again and her dad made Pastalaya... and it was over... we were hooked!!

(btw... my friend April blogs over at Wildflowers and Whimsy! You should check her out! She's so creative!)

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Anyway so to get our Jambalaya fix at home... we have been buying a box of mix for a couple bucks, throwing some chicken in and chowing down. Like all the time. Like several times a week...

First we were buying this box of Zatarain's... till I realized that it has *caramel coloring* in it which is very bad for you. The most common place to find it is in sodas...

Then we started buying this box of Tony Chachere's which doesn't contain *caramel color* but it still has a bunch of ingredients that I do not understand... lol

So it occurs to me at this point, that we eat this dish so much it needs to just be one of those things I make from scratch. To save us some money and also to save a little bit of our health. LOL

So I started googling recipes online and was pleasantly surprised to find a wide variety of different ways to make this amazing dish!

The first recipe I found, a cabbage jambalaya, had me laughing really hard though because of the description... Because I have extremely picky eaters in this house! I let you click on over to it and read it. 

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Are you back...? HAHAHA! Did you read the part about how "your kids will be eating cabbage like it's going out of style!"?

Yea that cracked me up...


This is the recipe (from I'm going to go ahead and tackle this week! After I do... I'll just edit this post to reflect the outcome!

I am super stoked!!  Stay tuned! :)

Lazy Dayz

Does anyone else just take a super long break around the holidays?

Seems my blog was on the list of projects to put down as well! LOL! This was not intentional... I think I had applied to be a curriculum reviewer too and at this point I have the next school year planned so if I don't get included... I'm cool.

We live in the south so we have been taking our long breaks in the winter when we can ACTUALLY be outside... in the summer it's just way way way too hot down here in TX and LA, where we have been living.

Anyhoo... sorry for the delayed postings.. hopefully my enthusiasm will resume after Christmas. :)

For now.. I leave you with an adorable picture of my son hugging a tree! :)

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