Fire Station Demonstration!

You know how sometimes as homeschoolers... you get to see and do things that are just really really neat!

Well today was one of those times! :)

A bunch of local homeschoolers in my area met at a neighborhood fire station a got a tour and learned a lot! Field trips like this happen all the time...

But here's the kicker! After the firemen talked about fire drills at home... they demonstrated their fire drill to show the kids what THEY do when there's a fire in someone's house! It was so cool!!

Check out my facebook page for the videos!! (In the videos section)

Here are some pictures from the trip! Needless to say... we had a blast! My three year old has been saying lately that he wants to be a fireman when he grows up... this adventure may have solidified that dream for him! :) His little face was so cute the entire time. Almost as if he was picturing himself all grown up and becoming a fireman someday! :) 

I highly recomend that all children, at some point, tour a fire station and meet some local heros. It puts a face to the realization that someday someone may need to save them from a fire. It puts perspective on emergency situations and the purpose of dialing 911. It allows children to build respect for people in our community who risk their lives for our overall safety. It's hard to set up a meeting between your child and heros sometimes. Police stations might not be the best environment for young kids to walk around and it's hard to meet military members at work unless they are part of your family. But firemen love to have kids come and tour their work spaces. This fire station in particular said we could come on by anytime! :) 

Special thanks to the Adventures in Homeschooling group for facilitating this avenue and to the organizer of the event, specifically... thank you so very much! We had a blast!!

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